Week 3 Chapter 2 August 28- Sept 1 2023 Measurements

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry High School

Week of: 8/29-9/2 Chapter 2

Monday 8/29    

Obj: TWS a) Distinguish between a quantity, a unit, and a measurement standard.

  b) Name SI units for length, mass, time, volume, and density.

  c) Distinguish between mass and weight.

  d) Perform density calculations.

  e) Transform a statement of equality to a conversion factor.

Activity: TSW have discussion over the scientific method and how to put it to use. After brief lecture on SM, TSW start on unit conversions by going over examples that I provide.  The density formula will be incorporated into the unit conversion examples.

Tuesday 8/30

TEK: 3A, 4A, 5C, 2B

Obj: TWS a) Distinguish between a quantity, a unit, and a measurement standard.

  b) Name SI units for length, mass, time, volume, and density.

  c) Distinguish between mass and weight.

  d) Perform density calculations.

  e) Transform a statement of equality to a conversion factor.

Activity: TSW have discussion over the scientific method and how to put it to use. After brief lecture on SM, TSW start on unit conversions by going over examples that I provide.  The density formula will be incorporated into the unit conversion examples.

Handout: Homework review 2-1, 2-2 due on Friday the 9th.

Homework:  Read pp 33-41 and handout.

Wednesday 8/31

TEK: 2A-E, 3E, 3A, 3C, 5C,

Obj: TSW a) Name SI units for length, mass, time, volume, and density.

  b) Distinguish between mass and weight.

  c) Perform density calculations.

  d) Transform a statement of equality to a conversion factor.

Activity: TSW practice on unit conversion by using the Train Track Technique.

Thursday 9/1

TEK: 2A, 2B, 2E, 2C

Obj: TWS a) Name what size proportions coincide with SI base units.

  b) Perform unit conversion for grams to moles.

Activity: Once again TSW practice on the Train Track Technique after taking a review quiz over the reading assignment.

Handout:  Review Quiz over the reading assignment.

Friday 9/2

TEK: 2A-D,

Obj: TSW a) Distinguish between accuracy and precision.

    b) Determine the number of significant figures in measurement.

Activity: TSW work in groups and discuss the difference between accuracy and precision. TSW observe which lab equipment will measure more A and P. Basically accuracy and precision to scale. During unit conversions TSW determine what the significant figures are.

Handout:  None

Homework: Due   

Week 2 August 21-25 2023 Chapter 1 Matter & Change

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry 2023

Chapter 1  Matter and Change

Monday 8/21

Obj:  The student will be able to define chemistry and give examples of the different branches of chemistry.

Activity: Lecture and take notes

Handout: Non.

Tuesday 8/22


Obj: TSW receive syllabus and learn about lab safety and hazards.

Handout: None.

Activity: TWS receive handout of lab equipment and LAB SAFETY RULES. Read together rules and discuss lab hazards.

Homework: study the rules/study the equipment for test on Friday.

Wednesday 8/23


Obj: TSW be introduced to all safety equipment including safety showers, eye wash stations, safety goggles, fire extinguisher, shut off valves, and fire blanket.

Activity: TSW go to each piece of safety equip. in the lab and classroom and physically see how to use the equipment. At this time we will do “what if” scenarios and take questions.

Homework: Read pages 5-7 and 10-18 .

Thursday 8/24

TEK: 2A, 3B-E, 5A-B, 11A

Obj: TSW A) Define what chemistry is.

  B) List examples of the branches of chemistry.

  C) Distinguish between the physical properties and chemical properties of matter.

  D) Explain the gas, liquid, and solid states in terms of particles.


Activity: TSW take review quiz over assigned read material. Discuss all the ways that chemistry is involved in everyday life. Matter and its properties will be next topic and TSW watch a power point on the states of matter, and then take small assessment.

Friday 8/25

TEK: 1A, 2A, 2B, 8A, 11B, 4A-C

Obj: TSW A) Take assessment over lab equipment and safety practices.

    B) Distinguish between a mixture and a pure substance.

Activity: TSW take test over safety rules and lab equipment after a short review. After test TSW read silently from section 1.2 until all have finished. Discussion over section 1.2 and what will be covering Monday.

Handout: safety test and lab equipment test

Week 8-14 through 8-16 2024 Lesson Plans Hart

Karen Hart

High School Chemistry

Week of: 8/14-8/16 2024

Safety Week and Chapter 1

Wednesday 8/14

Obj:  Introduce myself including short history of my life.

Handout: Student information sheet.

Student info sheet- includes name, classification, program, a little something about themselves, parents name and number.

Thursday 8/15  


Obj: TSW receive syllabus and learn about lab safety and hazards.

Handout: Safety Contracts- have signed and returned by Friday 8/16

Activity: TWS receive handout of lab equipment and LAB SAFETY RULES. Read together rules and discuss lab hazards.

Homework: study the rules/study the equipment for test on Friday.

Friday 8/16


Obj: TSW be introduced to all safety equipment including safety showers, eye wash stations, safety goggles, fire extinguisher, shut off valves, and fire blanket.

Activity: TSW go to each piece of safety equip. in the lab and classroom and physically see how to use the equipment. At this time we will do “what if” scenarios and take questions.

Monday 8/19

TEK: 2A, 3B-E, 5A-B, 11A

Obj: TSW A) Define what chemistry is.

  B) List examples of the branches of chemistry.

  C) Distinguish between the physical properties and chemical properties of matter.

  D) Explain the gas, liquid, and solid states in terms of particles.


Activity: TSW take review quiz over assigned read material. Discuss all the ways that chemistry is involved in everyday life. Matter and its properties will be next topic and TSW watch a power point on the states of matter, and then take small assessment.