Johnny Dickson
Chemistry / High School
Week of 1/9-1/12 2024
Chapter 8
Monday 1/8
Tuesday 1/9
Chapter 8 section 2
Objective: The class will be able to balance formula equations by inspection. The class will be able name what type reaction that they are balancing.
Materials: whiteboard and markers
Activities: The class will receive a lecture and view a power point over balancing equations.
Handout: Review Quiz 8.1
Homework: nothing new
Wednesday 1/10
Chapter 8
Materials: Whiteboard and markers
Objective: The class will review chapter 8 to prepare for the chapter test on Thursday.
Activities: A lecture and visual from board to help on review. Student will be given time to ask questions over chapter 8.
Handouts: none
Homework: none
Thursday 1/11
Chapter 8
Objective: The class will take test over chapter 8.
Materials: writing tool.
Activities: take test
Handout: Chapter 8 test
Homework: nothing new
Friday 1/12
Chapter 9 section 1
Objective: The class will define stoichiometry and describe the importance of the mole ratio in calculations.
Materials: whiteboard and markers.
Activities: Review missed test questions, and then the class will receive a lecture and a power point to describe what stiochiometry is and how it is used.
Handout: nothing new
Homework: nothing new